Farm Party


Many mothers, when their child's birthday approaches, prefer to do what the child wants and throw a birthday party with the theme chosen by the child. The problem is that, when the child is still very young, there is no way to know much about their preferences. And it is at this moment that you, mom, should take the opportunity to choose the party theme.

There are many possibilities for themes for your child's birthday, be it a classic character, such as Mickey, Minnie or Turma da Mônica, or even a more open theme, without exploring a single character, but an environment, such as a Safari, Forest, Enchanted Garden, among others.


One of these themes that has great support is Fazendinha, which, as the name suggests, simulates a farm. How about learning a little about this topic to throw your baby's party?

Panel and Decoration


There are several ways to make a panel. A party panel can be made of fabric, balloons or a mix of both. If you want a fabric panel, you can look for an image that represents a farm and ask someone to paint it on the fabric (which would look more artisanal) or go to a print shop and print the panel.


If you want to make a panel entirely made of balloons, you can use wild colors, such as yellow, orange and brown, which are from the same color family and are well used in this decoration. Instead of making a panel by drawing with balloons, you can make a type of gradient, starting the panel with one color, some rows with another color and in the center some rows with the third color.

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To make a mixed panel, you can use an all-checkered or all-brown fabric, one that you think is very similar to the theme, and place an arrangement with balloons on the edges of the fabric. You can use balloons in the colors already mentioned and even use balloons printed with the theme, such as balloons with a kitty print.


The panel already adds a very different touch to the decoration, but the decoration goes beyond that part that is behind the cake table. The decoration is the colors used, the prints, the souvenirs, everything that makes up the party and that refers to the theme.

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As we have already suggested using yellow, orange and brown colors on the panel, you can use these colors for the general decoration. Another suggestion that was already given above was the cow print, which can be used on labels, tablecloths, ribbons, among others.


So that the party doesn't have a kitty print on it, you can use tablecloths with this print on prominent tables, such as the cake table, sweets table and souvenir table. For the guests' table, make use of the decoration colors.


As a setting, you can make use of teddy bears scattered in strategic locations. Another decorative item that you can make great use of is hay. You can place them on the corners of tables and in strategic corners of the party venue.


If the space is very large and there are areas that you do not want or cannot use, you can use a fence to isolate the area. In addition to sharing the space, you will also add even more to the farm.

Invitation and Souvenirs


The invitation is the gateway to your child's party and it's good that it already shows the theme of the party. To make a simpler invitation, you can look for an image that represents a small farm (it could even be the same image used in the panel, mentioned above), and put some words on the invitation like: “come celebrate my birthday! Day, time and place. I count on your presence.” To identify the guest, you can write their name on the envelope.


A really fun invitation for this theme is a bundle. Inside the bundle you can place a weight or even a Dream of Waltz chocolate. Place a piece of wood, to make it really look like a bundle, and, glued to the wood, the invitation with the party information.

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Just like the invitation, the souvenir should remind your guest how wonderful that farm-themed party was. There are many possibilities. The famous tubes (filled with jelly beans, mini chocolates, among others) can be decorated with a mini straw hat on top.


The traditional bag can be made in a paper bag, like a bakery bag, and on the front of the bag you can paste the faces of farm animals: cows, pigs, chickens, among others.


Cake, sweets and menu


The farm-themed cake is not the most recommended to be made at home. The suggestion we have is for you to order from a pastry chef and give your suggestion, saying what you want. You can choose a three-tiered cake and each level of the cake is decorated with a print used in the decoration: chess, a cow print and a fenced lawn, for example.


What children's party doesn't have sweets, right? The point is to use these sweets in our decoration. An easy suggestion is brigadeiro cups, where the spoons can have an image of an animal on their ends.

Mesa de Guloseimas

Another sweet that matches the farm theme is paçoquinha, a peanut sweet that can be served without any decoration. Quindim, a traditional sweet, also fits perfectly with the theme.

niver Bernardo Fazendinha1-8

Cupcakes, very popular at children's and adult parties, can be served with the image of animals on top: cows, pigs, chickens, all the animals that make up a farm can be present at this moment.


Even though there are sweets, you must prepare something to serve to your guests. Children don't care much about food, but about snacks. For the kids you can prepare snacks such as popcorn, hot dogs, sandwiches, chips and juices.


As for adults, the ideal is that you invest in a menu with more food, really. Rice with cream of chicken, paçoca and straw potatoes is traditional but never a mistake. But you can opt for other dishes, such as pork rinds, chicken broth, sausages, pastries, among many other possible dishes.

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Children's Fazendinha Dress


There are many ways you can dress your daughter to celebrate her birthday. If you want your daughter dressed like a real farmer, you can opt for a dungarees with a white blouse or a cow print blouse.


But, there are those moms who prefer to see their princesses in a beautiful dress. If you are one of these, we can tell you that the most sought after dresses for the Fazendinha theme These are dresses with a cow print or a checkered print. To avoid leaving the dress with just the print, use a sash and bow at the waist.


On the head, if a tiara (or sash) with an applique is not possible, opt for a straw hat to make the little farmer look complete.


Table decorations

Normally, people use an arrangement with a large ornament as a table decoration and, in the center of this arrangement, there are several chocolates. You can make this type of decoration, but with this theme you can do it a little differently. You can place a basket with snacks (appetizers) and on the front of this basket there is a little face of the animals. As you run out of snacks, just change the basket.


You can also place the EVA animals as a table decoration, as if they were teddy bears. In addition to serving to decorate the table, the animals can also be a beautiful party souvenir.


There are many possible themes for your baby's party. Although the Fazendinha theme does not cover any specific character, you can work more on it, being able to dress up your child as various animals, and being able to create a decoration without being tied to the standards. What matters is that you organize and make the celebration a blast.

Where to buy

You find it in Ana Giovanna online store a wide collection of children's clothing and dresses for farm themed party, with options that dress children between 0 and 10 years of age.

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